Wednesday, January 16, 2008

i want!

ooo my dear most handsome most baik hati papa
i want this can or not?
pls pls pls pls pls
*puppy eyes*

it's small (13.3 inch) n as light as human brain (3 lbs)
1.6 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo with 2GB of RAM n 80GB of HDD
it's ONLY $1799

further details here

p/s: an apple a day keeps the doctor away
i want this to be my apple


Anonymous said...

wooo....what hav i missed? few days takde laptop tetiba this?! omfg! my laptop PMS-ing got to do with this? hahhaa. jom kumpul duit! hehehe..

adminz said...

ct, laptop ni xde:

1. dvd/cd drive whatsoever
2. ethernet port (nk cucuk internet tu)

tp lawa la hehe. bleh muat masuk manila folder.

CT DALILAH said...

iza: omfg kan? sorry to hear bout ur lappie..i hope it get well soon...i think la kan mmg nk suh pakai apple tuh hehe

zek: i know..i already got external DVD dive n internet sini wireless mantap so shouldnt be prob plus can buy expansion kit or sumthing rite? i like dat it's very2 lightweight n sleek...lawa~ survey2 first hehe

pinksterz said...

haha but imagine if that mac air jatuh on the floor (accidentally of course), macam mana la gamaknya hancur hati nanti.... heheh

CT DALILAH said...

*gasppppp* aaaaaaa hati pecah lalu crying without songs laaaa..ish pinksterz ni, saje je tau